Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Magic of Yabu

The magic of Yabu is something you could compare to love (please excuse my cheesiness these days! hahahaha) its something you always see online and hear from friends yet its something you can't find just anywhere, anytime. And I guess thats the beauty of Yabu. You have to come prepared - by prepared I mean an empty stomach so you have to sacrifice a bit and skip a meal before. Then you have to travel far away (in my case atleast an hour on a regular day) and when you get there, right when it's there right in front of you, you have to wait for a few minutes to just get a table and then another few to get your order. And right when you've chosen what you want, you have to prepare a bit more, the sauce you need and those things you have to crush. Then it arrives, you take a bite and you forget everything you had to go through just to get a taste of their famous Katsu... And you remember that just like love, all things come to those who wait. (HAHAHA so cheesy. Who wants fries with this?) 

Yabu just made the lives of people who live in the New Manila area easier because they opened their second branch in Robinsons Magnolia. 

spot me! :D

I know this photo is a bit blurry but this is exactly how you feel right after. A bit light headed but the good kind. The kind that would make you want to go home and sleep right after! haha

I just got a dose of Katsu earlier and satisfied my cravings! Tell me about your experience once you do get to try it :)
xx, Vern

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<3, Vern