Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Its gonna be a good day, save your troubles for another day!

You know that feeling when you just woke up on the right side of the bed and everything feels so right? Well I woke up like that this morning and its been awhile! I'm not much of a morning person so this doesn't come so often. So thankful for that! And I kicked the day off with a song from Nappy Roots from Good Day. If you know me really well, I'm the type of person who's mood changes with the songs I listen to. Thats why in my chictopia\, you'll notice that most of my post titles are song titles haha! I tend to really get bipolar during the times when I'm just sitting at home, on my laptop and my itunes is on shuffle. Oh my, terrible mood swings! haha So since I was feeling that I was having a good day, I wanted to wear the skirt I've been wanting to wear for the longest time! Its been my sitting my closet for awhile now with its tag price on :) I felt good in it! It may be simple since its just for school but the outfit felt good as well :) 

[polo - H&M skirt - H&M necklace - Hong Kong belt - vintage shoes - H&M] 

Anyway, I'm so glad that I got to catch up over lunch with the best people ever! haha I got to hang out with Ina, Mille, Julian and Santi! Such a fun group, I swear :) so glad I have new lunch buddies! Then met up with Ana to catch up as well :) Then by around 3, I helped my friend out, Casey with her radio production project which is sooo cool!! Then the rest of my day just got even better :) xx

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