My half south African- half Filipino- who-resides-in-Australia cousin
went back here in the Philippines for a days to celebrate her very first
birthday :) And because there's no Jollibee from where they are and I
guess since it's a very Filipino way to celebrate, that's where she did!
She'll be having a series of birthday parties (jealousy!!) and there's
her first :)
I miss blogging about personal posts like these so here's my first come back! :)
World, meet my cousin, Sienna! Isn't she adorable?? No trace of Filipino
blood, I know!! That's why she needs to be injected some thru
Jollibee!! hahaha!
There was a bring game that required the kids to bring their macho and gwapo dads and they had to dance to prove that they were! haha! So cute!
Happy happy birthday, dear Sienna! :) We love you!!
xx, Vern
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<3, Vern