Sunday, November 11, 2012

Alive & Breathing Grammar Checkers

I've been spending the past two days of my weekend with my family and immediate relatives and it has made me appreciate the little time I spend with them. (I'll share with you why tomorrow so I have something blog about naman! hahaha) I'm so lucky to have such a supportive one, I swear. I'm not the kind of girl who would recheck all my blog posts for grammar errors or even spellings since 1. I don't have time or 2. I'm just plain lazy. I do get hater comments about them sometimes but I think that I'd rather spend my time on much more important things than checking my blog posts for errors. So not only am I thankful for a family who are my alive and breathing grammar checkers but I'm also thankful for the readers who don't mind them :) I'm not perfect, some I don't actually notice but most of the time, I'm just such in a hurry that I type as fast as I please! So I apologize for the previous errors and I'm sorry for the next few ones I will make :) Please still love me! 
I wore this outfit to a movie and dinner night out with my family at Greenbelt earlier. To tell you honestly, I did change to flats after awhile. I can't play Timezone (a family tradition after every dinner date in GB3) in these shoes! :P 
Please pardon my camera. I'll give it a sermon tomorrow!
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I hope you had the greatest Saturday!! :) 
xx, Vern

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<3, Vern