Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Verniece Turns 18!

Verniece's debut's the first and last grand debut my parents are ever going to throw so we as a family made sure it would be a memorable one. My parents were never the type of people to throw us grand parties on a yearly basis so this is something very new to all of us. If you read about my debut before, you would know that it fitted my personality more since I just partied with my closest friends in Republiq and then rented a room for my girlfriends and I to stay in after. However, Verniece's is VERY different from mine. I'm sure it's public knowledge that she's the one girly girl so her picking a fairytale debut was a given. and the theme was Winter Wonderland. I helped her pick the theme and because she was an ice skater, the theme we picked was very appropriate. We wanted everyone to feel like they entered the magical world of Narnia and with the comments we all got from family and friends, I think we got we wanted :) 
Yup, its the same tree and cage from the Michael Cinco x Bench show! Thank God we found the ambiance designer, Pido! :) He's AMAZING! He made our lives so much easier :)
Her grand entrance was here as a doll inside a jewelry box. I wish you were there to see this! Its so hard to explain in words and pictures...
We got the Boys Night Out to host the debut for us. I met Eric about two years ago and we keep in touch once in awhile so I really REALLY pushed for it to be the three of themto be complete. My siblings and I are a big fan of their show and humor and we knew that they would keep the whole program interesting :) 
I led the prayer (lol my only role! haha) 
Her second entrance before the 18 roses 
We had this crazy idea to spice up the 18 roses and made my brother last dance so that they could do the dougie :) This is my favorite part of the whole debut! I was honestly teary because I never knew my brother would dance in front of a crowd! haha! Sadly, I cannot dance to save my life so I can't join in (but I really wanted to! It was precious moment! lol) haha! 

My favorite people in the world got to go too!! They definitely made it more special :) 
Happy happy birthday Verniece! You truly were a princess that night :) 
xx, Vern

1 comment:

  1. Time flies., i just watched all videos of alf and vernice’s wedding. This debut in youtube was the very first video I watched of vernice and vern I even thought they are twins 🥳


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<3, Vern