Monday, September 24, 2012

Nail It! Eyelash Extensions Review

I've tried eyelash extensions before so I can actually compare how the service I had with Nail It! recently with the two previous ones I had before it :) I'm not one of those girls who are blessed with a pair of doll-like eyelashes so extensions are a big blessing to me. I've tried the natural twice and it's the first time I got something as long as this. I'm still trying to get used to it but I loooove the turn out in pictures and the time it saves me from putting eye make up since it makes it look like I have eyeliner already because of it's thickness. Anyway, I'll compare the Nail It! service with my previous ones according to glue, service and price :) 
Previous Store: I honestly didn't like the glue of this store because it made it tear up and had this burning feeling on my eyes everytime I would try to move my eyeballs during the application time. However, it only lasted during the session and went away after the glue dried up. 
Nail It!: I love how the glue was pain-free during the application session. The girl who applied it explained to me that they're using the no tears glue and it only took a few minutes to dry up! 
Previous Store: I got it done late last year I think and I remember being the service being okay. The girl who applied it would ask me if I was comfortable enough but she kept telling me to take a nap since the glue would hurt and I would feel it more if I was awake. lol 
Nail It!: I felt reallllly comfortable the whole time during application session. The girl kept asking if I was okay and if I felt fine. She kept telling me too how minutes more to keep me from getting bored. And she applied more lashes when I asked her to do so without any extra charge. 
Previous Store: I paid 800 for the natural and I remember that the mascara (same length as I got now) is 1000
Nail It!: Nautral lashes for 650 pesos and full thick lashes for 850 with a free manicure or pedicure service 
Hope my review helped! :) 
xx, Vern
P.S. I visited the Nail It! Alphaland branch near Magallanes station :)


  1. Hi Dear Friend,

    How are you? Long and thick eyelashes have always been a symbol of beauty and will always remain to be one. So you have need eyelash extensions. Its better treatment gave you The Lashe Parlour. See more: eyelash extensions

    You are welcome
    Rose Daina

  2. For most women, having eyelash extensions can make them look pretty.


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<3, Vern