Monday, October 29, 2012

5 Questions With Jane Dee of LVMH

2012 October 116 copy
I was given the pleasure to interview Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy's Regional Brand Manager of Asia Pacific, Jane Dee a few weeks back when she was here for the annual the Hennessy Artistry -  Art of Mixing event that I blogged about here. I got to the  Marriott Hotel at around 4.30 pm, the time another blogger, Alex and I were asked to come. I googled her a few days before and with everything I read about her online, I knew that I was about to meet one of most influential people in the wine and spirits industry. I was a bit nervous since I didn't know how interviews like these go. This is definitely a first for me! And a first time to interview someone in such a high position!  Good thing though, I received her bio a few days prior to the event so I had time to prepare a few questions to ask. I had about 4 but then once we sat down at the cafe lobby and the initial question was asked, I knew right then and there that I was in for a great afternoon :)  

Here's a little something about her, she joined LVMH 4 years ago. She describes her job as "fun" (as how everyone sees it )  all the parties and the events but of course,  you have to work serious business as well especially in a massive corporation like Moet Hennessy. She handles Asia Pacific's marketing for Belvedere, Wines and Grand Marnier. Imagine how big of a role she plays!! :) So here's how our interview went:

I noticed in your biography that you move around and travel a lot so if you were to move anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why? 

Jane Dee: Probably New York. The funny thing is, I've never been. I've travelled quite a number of places but never there. I've seen so many TV shows and movies about the city... read about it in countless articles and books.., it's a city that never sleeps and if you've made it in New York, then you can make it anywhere else...  I think it's a dream for me to go there ...  and will also be an exciting challenge in the future. 

Another thing I learned in this business, You have to get out of your comfort zone. There are people who are comfortable in their  where they are, and if they're happy then good for them. End of the day, as long as one is happy, that is what matters... However, if you  have this URGE and CURIOSITY  to see what's out there, then you should definitely try.  I believe it's better to try and fail than not having to try at all.  Thing is, if you don't it a shot, then you'll always wonder... WHAT IF? And I don't think that's a very good feeling to carry around.... 

Name your top 5 LVMH products. 
Jane Dee: First of all,  Belvedere definitely as it's the brand I'm responsible for...  It's pretty cool too because it's luxury and edgy at the same time.   Second,  Louis Vuitton as Marc Jacobs is one of my favorite designers. Third, would be Sephora for all your cosmetic needs.  Fourth is Loewe for their  iconic Amazona bags and last but not the least, even if LVMH just own shares, it would be Hermes. 

I asked this question just cause I found it cool that we have the same alma mater! haha! How has being a La Sallian helped you be where you are now? 
Jane Dee:  Coming from a fairly small and  unknown  school, going to La Salle is like moving to a new country... a whole new different world.  One thing I realized is that there are  always bigger things out there, there will always be new and interesting people to meet and new aspirations to reach for that would give me a new sense of purpose and objective,   Second,  I've always wanted to be in branding  and advertising and La Salle has provided me basic learnings of that industry.   Third, it would be the individuals I met during my time in university who are passionate about what they do.   One of those key person is Vince Uy, who was my  blockmate, teammate and a dear friend. What I learned from Vince is that he already knows what he wants from the start.. I would always see him sketching and designing during our classes, constantly being creative.   Fourth, I learned how to always put in effort and opinion in a group. In any industry, working in teams and being able to voice out your thoughts is important. Don't be afraid to let yourself heard.. even if it's wrong.  

And lastly, my favorite questions from all the bunch, pick one: 
Alcohol or clothing? Clothing
Flats or heels? Heels!
Black or white? Black in the morning, white at night. 
Style or comfort? Style
Shoes or bags? Bags. 
There were a bunch of stories said during the interview and you have no idea how much I learned from her. I've always believed that there's a reason for certain thing happening in life  and now I knowthat the main reason I met Jane was that she was going to be a source of inspiration and the person I will look up to from here on. We went through the same things in college and when she told her life story plus all the little pieces of wisdom she put in between, I knew immediately who I want to be in the future. When people ask me, what do you wanna be after college? And I can NEVER give a name for it and now I can :) 

We should not miss an opportunity to meet someone new.  Always make sure to stop and listen to every single person we encounter. You never know, you might just meet your Jane Dee in the near future!

xx, Vern

P.S. Thank you to Medium Asia LTD. for this wonderful opportunity :) Don't forget to visit their website!

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