I mentioned in my outfit post yesterday that a few friends and I went
around Manila to take pictures of different buildings and monuments for
Cheys' architecture project. Let me tour your around in my own little
way and give you a glimpse of what I experienced yesterday. Yesterday
was a testament that it is more fun in the Philippines and that our
country is a beautiful place!

First stop: Manila Hotel! I am no expert to the different kinds of
buildings and its specific name but this hotel is a piece of art and its
amazing how this was managed to be restored and maintained all these
years. Manila hotel is the first air-conditioned hotel in Asia (I know
this thanks to Tommy!) and its interiors is very much like how it was
during the Spanish era. It's been up for almost 80 years and the
building is a testament to how rich yet heavily influenced our culture
was back then. I read that it was open in 1912 and was used by only the
elite back then. I could just imagine all the well dressed men and women
that walked the corridors of this hotel! General MacArthur even made
this his home when he was the military advisor of the commonwealth
government back then!

2nd stop: National Museum. The museum was closed till October for
renovations so I wasn't able to take pictures of the inside. We weren't
even allowed to go inside the gates to take pictures! But I've been
inside and houses the famous Spolarium by Juan Luna and many works of
Jose Rizal and many other prominent Philippine artists. I went here with
Dondi a year ago and our favorite exhibit was the Zoology section
wherein they showed the different fossils of species found here in the
Philippines. Its no Lourve of Paris or Met of New York but the museum
does hold different mediums of art that shows how talented Filipinos
are :) Every Filipino must visit it atleast once!
our famous Kalesa! I wanted a picture with it but I had to pay to do so :( BOO!
3rd stop: Santa Cruz Church in Sta Cruz. It was built in 1608 by the
Jesuits for the Chinese immigrants that started to flock our country
back then since alot of these immigrants converted to Catholic when they
arrived here in the Philippines. However, the original Sta. Cruz church
was completely destroyed during the World War II so this church is a
new one. And I guess that explains why there wasn't that stand Spanish
friars used to give sermons in. Please do refresh my memory to what its
called? :) I just know that all churches that were built during the
Spanish era have this.
4th stop: We were surprised to see this building of BPI! I can't find
anything about over the net but it looks amazing right?? Look at the
entrance! reminds of Greece!
I wanted to eat more but I was scared for my life so I only had one :( haha!
5th stop: Binondo church! We didn't get to go down to take decent
pictures since there was no way to park. Just like the Sta. Cruz church
this was built for the Chinese immigrants but by Dominican priests.
However, the original building was destroyed by the British bombardment
in 1762 then was rebuilt then destroyed again in 1852 because of the
second world war II where only the faced and the bell tower was left.
6th stop: unknown building near the Post office.
7th stop: The Manila Central Post Office. We expected more from this
building and archi freak Tommy was upset about the pink trimmings the
building had but for me, it look okay. Reminded me of the buildings
found in Washington DC. This building is relatively new compared to the
others since it was completed in 1926 yet was destroyed during the WWII
and was restored to how it looks now in 1946.
8th stop: Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands.
my face the whole time because of the heat!! haha! I'm not a big fan of the sun!
Last stop: the entrance of Intramuros. My battery died here already but
good thing I got to take outfit photos and a picture with a dressed
Intramuros guard. I love how they're dressed this way! It makes you feel
like you're really in another place and era :)
I highly recommend touring around Manila with your family and friends
instead of spending so much to go abroad. We should take advantage of
these monuments and buildings because not only do we actually pay the
government to have these maintained (okay, somewhat maintained! hahaha)
but we have to realize that we do not have to travel miles and miles
away from home to see how beautiful the world is.
xx, Vern