Sunday, February 6, 2011

Edric Chen Photography


[Coat: My Sister's Closet
Shoes: Janilyn
Socks: borrowed from Edric]

Had a shoot with Edric Chen yesterday and it was a first among hopefully more shoots to come! Super nice and cool guy I tell you! I was honestly scared at first and a bit uncomfy cause he's shot alot of bloggers and people I just look up to. But lo and behold, when you get to talk to the guy more, you'd be so comfy around him and his "scary" camera as well! hahaha! He was experimenting with his shoots and new concepts so I became suicidal, a chef and a doll lost in the crowd! haha its weird when I tell you randomly but I'm sure It'll turn awesome when the shots are out :-) Here's just one of the last few I asked him to take for my chictopia and an outfit shot. This was taken in Serendra our last stop for the shoot! It was both fun and funny since there was an event going on in Market Market and there were more people than usual so there were lots of onlookers and I felt so awkward but I had so much fun anyway :-) There was even a group of people who went up to me and asked if they can have a picture with me. I think they just did that because there's a photographer shooting me in public HAHA! so funny :)) Will post when the pictures are out! :-)

xx, Vern

Edric's email:

P.S. Follow me on TWITTER
and check out my feature on Best Filipinas and like the album too! :-) Thank you Best Filipinas! :-)

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<3, Vern