Saturday, December 11, 2010

I've Got Mail!

Went to my cousin's baptismal today and I came home to find out that things were sent in the mail for me! :-) They were little things but I really do appreciate them so much!! :-) 

the first package was from Nori I'm sure because they included bare essentials make up! haha The tickets to the bazaar for this weekend is pretty going to waste for me since I'm on home arrest because of the studying I have to do for next week's exams!! :-( I'm so sad!! BUT the tickets for next week I will use them for sure!!!! :-D Thank you so much for these! :-) 

Another set of Santa's Christmas Bazaar tickets! I have a total of 5 tickets and they're all gone to waste!! :-( Who of my neighbors wanna get these?? I'll give them to you! :-) Anyway, I dunno who sent me these but they came from the mail as well! Thank you thank you! :-) 

Oh! Quick outfit post! Took a break from all the studying I've been doing and went to my cousin's baptism! :-) I missed so much events this week I swear! :-( Missing the Preview luncheon and this Adidas event broke my heart, you have no idea!! :-( Sorry to Tracy and to Patrick Laroco for accepting your invitations and not end up going :-( I didn't expect that I'll be this busy! :-(please do continue inviting me though! I will go next time for sure :-) 

[dress: old dress I've had since 3rd year high school
Belt: Billabong
bag: random from hong Kong
shoes: Janilyn
Rings: Anagon]

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<3, Vern