Monday, November 15, 2010

A Great Streak

 I've been having such a great streak lately about everything related to what I love doing and I couldn't be anymore thankful. I really hope it doesnt stop cause I'm definitely enjoying the ride :-) Here's what I wore to The New Department's shoot last Saturday at Mandi's gorgeous house! I don't very much like how my upper body looks like BUT the pictures are just so damn nice not to post and thats thanks to the great Patty Mendoza! :-) Thank you so much Patty for these!! 

[Dress: Forever 21
Stockings: random brand
Shoes: Janilyn 
Beanie: H&M] 

I have so much to look forward to these next few weeks!! Tomorrow, I will be going to a Landmark forum and I've been hearing feedback that's a great experience! its not fashion related but will blog about it anyway :-) Then this weekend, I will be the speaker for this eco forum and I'm so nervous for it! But very excited! Then a collaboration with the ever so nice Efril and our personal blogs! I'm so excited for that!!! This will be happening next week so watch out for it! And the others, I will not yet reveal to you guys! :-D But for now, I shall do my homework to make up for the bumming spree I had last weekend! Till then! :-) 

Check out Efril's blog: Love and a bad hair day :-) 

xx, Vern

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<3, Vern