figured out the problem of my blog loading too long! I already resized
this batch of pictures so starting from this set, no more tagal posts :)
I'm sorry for the people who were hassled today because of it :) Won't
happen anymore! :) Though, I have to say sorry for the very blurry
photo.. I had to make use of the little lighting the room had because of
the very gloomy weather. Thank you to Jelito De Leon for doing such a great job in editing :)
been really inlove with the red and nude combination lately so here's
another post about it! Will start on thesis soon so hopefully I'll still
get to blog regularly :) Will try scheduled posts for a change!
[Coat: Borrowed from Verniece, Dress: Hongkong, Necklace: Bubbles]
weather was just perfect today :) Another storm is approaching the
Philippines so pray that it won't be as harsh as Pedring! Hope youre all
doing okay :)
xx, Vern
P.S. Please check the very important announcement below: